Wrap Reel

One of the parameters which define the quality of yarn is its density. Density measurement is done in two ways, first where the length of yarn is fixed and its weight is measured and second where the weight of yarn is fixed and its length is measured. The first method also called direct method is the most commonly used and this is where a wrap reel is used. A wrap reel or skein winder is a machine used to wind yarn of certain length in preparation for its density measurement. This machine is also referred to as count testing machine or denier testing machine.

But why is a wrap reel necessary? Why can we not take a single strand of yarn, example 1 meter and measure its weight? The simple answer is because it is very difficult to do so. Let’s take an example; a single strand of silk is 1 denier, which means that 9000 meters of silk will weigh 1 gram. So the weight of 1 meter of silk will be 111.1 microgram. Let me write that again, MICROGRAM, so it is 0.000111 grams. As you can imagine, it is really difficult to carry out such a small weight measurement with high accuracy. Even a puff of air will cause disturbance to such a measurement. Long ago when yarn and clothes were around, electronics and instrumentation was not so clinical. It was nearly impossible to make such a small measurement. The scientists in those days decided that it is better to take a spool of yarn and then measure it to get accurate results and that method has worked very well over the years.

Although with recent advances in electronics and sensors, it is possible to weigh very small quantities, such instruments are very expensive to buy and maintain. It needs to have a closed chamber, very stable power supply, temperature and humidity control are also needed in some cases. Calibration of these instruments is also an expensive proposition. Hence, a wrap reel is a good option for density measurement. It is a relatively cheap instrument requiring minimal maintenance.

Of course, one still has to buy a weighing scale, but it need not be a scale that reads in milli or micro grams. Any small sized weighing scale can provide accurate readings up to a few grams and you don’t have to break the bank to buy it. It becomes a choice between a combination of Wrap Reel and weighing scale together or just a weighing scale albeit a very sensitive and expensive one. Money still talks, so the humble Wrap Reel is still around. Of course, over the years the usability of Wrap Reel machine has come down and it will probably continue to do so but for now this device is here to stay.

We offer our Wrap Reel machine is 3 fixed modes for Denier, Count and Tex measurements, which correspond to 9000 meters, 840 yards or 1 km of yarn. Imagine the number of Instagram profiles you will have to go through, just to kill the time its needed to wind 900m or 1 Km yarn. To avoid the boredom, typically Wrap Reel will have space for 5 or 10 bobbins, so all these can be tested together and weighed at the same time. If that is not the case, single bobbin is wound 900m (or 120 yard) and the final answer is obtained by multiplying with a factor of 10 (or 7). In addition, we have 2 user settable modes for any additional standards.

The machine consists of a reel of fixed size, typically 1 meter or 1.5 yard. Yarn from the bobbin to be measured is tied to one of the shafts on the reel which is then rotated to wound a fixed length of yarn. Additionally devices can be mounted to get a fixed tension in yarn. Features such as soft start and soft stop, optical encoder sensors ensure correct and repeatable count during every test.

We hope this gives you a better idea of the wrap reel machine, its uses and our offering. Keep checking this post for more information about testing, machines and general information.


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